Parks And Rec Formation Town Hall Join us for a meeting to discuss creating a local, Lopez Island Parks and…
Join us in a community campaign to bring a Parks and Rec District to Lopez Island.
Let’s get straight to it: Lopez Island needs a Parks and Rec District.
For years, our recreational activities have thrived thanks to short-term funding and the dedication of hardworking volunteers. But as grants dry up and our community leaders age, this model is no longer sustainable.
A Parks and Rec District will secure the long-term viability of essential programs, create new sustainable opportunities, and enhance the quality of life for all residents on Lopez Island.
Just look at the success on San Juan and Orcas Islands—these districts have supported school sports, after-school programs and summer camps, community activities, and more.
It’s time for Lopez to enjoy the same resources and stability!
We need financial support to get our initiative on the 2025 ballot. Election and ballot costs, as directly estimated by San Juan County, are significant. We also need to ensure that our vision is adequately promoted and understood by you – the voters. This includes things like printing brochures, mail-outs, yard signs, and a website.
So let’s do what we Lopezians do best: Rallying for our community. Rallying to raise funds, gather signatures, submit a clear plan, and get on the 2025 ballot so we Lopezians can vote ‘YES’ to a Parks and Rec District.
I really feel like Parks and Rec can bring a lot to Lopez. While we are lucky enough to have several organizations pitching in to provide us some of these services, having the financial support of a Parks and Rec Department would help them out a ton. Especially with the schools facing so many budget cuts, getting support for sports from a Parks and Rec Department would be a real lifesaver. My family is looking forward to voting yes on a Parks and Rec Department for Lopez!
The partnership the San Juan Island School District has with SJI Park and Recreation is invaluable. Their commitment to team with the school district allows us to fully fund our athletic programs. Everyone in this district is extremely appreciative of the dedication to maintaining this effective relationship. The value of a strong parks and recreation program in Friday Harbor extends beyond just this cooperative arrangement. The multitude of offerings provided by them each year supports engaging, fun, and meaningful activities of choice to our island children. Even more, there are several opportunities for adults as well. San Juan Island Parks of Recreation department is an essential component of all that makes Friday Harbor a vibrant community.
Parks and rec would help with our goal of providing access and opportunity to our youth programs. Being a resource to help continue to lift up and support our athletes. It did wonders for Orcas and San Juan youth sports!
We are a diverse group of Lopezians, school parents who wish to ensure the sustainability of school athletics, representatives from existing non-profits, and community members of various ages who believe that a Parks and Rec Districts would not only enhance the quality of life on Lopez, it would guarantee the sustainability of many of our beloved programs that are struggling to continue over time.
As many of you already know, the Lopez Island School has, since the McCleary decision, been struggling to meet the basic educational needs of our Island. Baseball, middle school soccer, culinary classes and more, have fallen victim to necessary budget cuts. But they are not the only organizations struggling to keep recreation strong. Many of the smaller organizations struggle to sustain programs due to short-term grants, lack of donations, and aging volunteers. Having a Parks and Recs would ensure we can continue the treasured programs that several organizations have put on for so many years and create new community-led recreational activities.
Parks And Rec Formation Town Hall Join us for a meeting to discuss creating a local, Lopez Island Parks and…
Rally for the Rec © 2024 Lopez Island Parks and Rec District Formation Committee | Website and Branding by Stephanie Cariker